Phil Gaywood wins all three prizes. Well done Phil.
Match Report 16th October 2022

Well if you ever want an example of how you ‘should keep on a going until the very end’ it was yesterdays match. In his first 3 pegs Phil Gaywood had not had a fish. However an explosive last 20 minutes on his ‘Cromer Pier’ Peg saw Phil take four rainbows which weighed 8lbs 9 oz and enabled him to romp away with the individual title. Fishing his favourite midas on the dropper and unweighted ‘pitsford pea’ Phil searched the upper layers where he had seen some fish activity, using a variety of retrieves, to walk away with the Eric Kett Memorial Individual Trophy. On a very low scoring day with only a total of 14 trout weighed in across 38 Competitors ( despite 1100 stock fish having gone in over the previous 10 days) Dennis Willis came 2nd with 1 fish for 2lb 4 oz. Third with 1 fish was Paddy Garrett with 1 fish for 2lb 3 oz and fourth, again with one fish, was Mel Mammone with 2lb 1 oz.
This match also was run as The Frank Wright Pairs Memorial Trophy and in first place was Phil Gaywood and Trevor Rollins with 8lb 9 oz. Second was Dennis Willis and John Mack with 4lb 1 oz and third Mel Mammone and Judy Ford with 3lb 11 oz. Heaviest Fish Cup was won by Phil Gaywood who effectively ‘cleaned up’ by winning all 3 trophies – a very well done to you Phil.
Can I say a special thanks to Andrew; Pat and Teisha who prepared; organised and served all the after match food and a very, very big thank you to all competitors who took part and made this such a lovely social event despite the poor fishing that we can only put down to the coloured water conditions. Also many thanks to all of you who brought raffle prizes and bought raffle tickets which resulted in a total of £195.00 made for Club Funds.
Last May we had to cancel the match through very few members wanting to fish. This match attended by 38 Members was a record turn out for a match – many, many thanks to you all for your support.